The following has helped me in generating random and complex passwords. I want to share with you and if you have any comments and would like to improve on it, you are welcome.
declare @type tinyint, @Length tinyint
DECLARE @password varchar(250)
set @password = ''
set @Length = 250
while @Length > 0
SET @type = ROUND(1 + (RAND() * (3)),0)
IF @type = 1
SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(97 + (RAND() * (25)),0))
ELSE IF @type = 2
SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(65 + (RAND() * (25)),0))
ELSE IF @type = 3
SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(48 + (RAND() * (9)),0))
ELSE IF @type = 4
SET @password = @password + CHAR(ROUND(33 + (RAND() * (13)),0))
SET @Length = @Length - 1
SELECT @password As ComplexPassword