One of the new features introduced on SQL server 2012 was a memory optimized columnstore index. This feature not only reduces the amount of storage but also the speed of the query. During my test, I found that the speed of a query performance before and after columnstore index was in magnitude of 15 times faster. Wow, that was very impressive. As being new feature it have its own drawbacks. You are not able to update the data, hum. The workaround was very cumbersome and not suitable for some of data warehouse solutions. If you want to update data you need to drop the columnstore index update the data and recreate it.
If you have already upgraded to 2012 to make use of the columnstore index then you may have to upgrade to the new SQL server 2014. SQL 2014 doesn’t require the workaround of updating data. The new release enhanced the columnstore to be a pure columnar store. Bang on!!
Data warehouse is much happier place to be with SQL 2014. Not only you will be able to save space but also increase query performance.
In this blog you will find various tools and articles that are useful to any DBAs. I will try to put more practical articles while at the same time post any database software bugs and some important tips on internals of sql server and optimization. Address cons and pros of different relational database management in use and new developments. This blog will also cover the market perception of different database system including some hard facts, reviews and benchmarks. Teshome Asfaw
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Thursday, August 22, 2013
When is SQL server installed
I have been asked may times how to find when a SQL server is installed. Mostly I told them to find the installation log. But, what I didn't realized is that you can find out by querying sys.syslogin database.To my surprise, quiet an easy statement. You can use
SELECT createdate as Sql_Server_Install_Date, *
FROM sys.syslogins
where sid = 0x010100000000000512000000
FROM sys.syslogins
where sid = 0x010100000000000512000000
SELECT createdate as Sql_Server_Install_Date
FROM sys.syslogins
where loginname = 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'
FROM sys.syslogins
where loginname = 'NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM'
One of the above will do as long as default language is English
Flushing the cache for one database
SET @DBID = ( SELECT dbid FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = 'db')
--Flush procedure on the db
SET @DBID = ( SELECT dbid FROM master.dbo.sysdatabases WHERE name = 'db')
--Flush procedure on the db
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